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Wisdom from Tutu... Tutu Desmond....

I filled my cells with the words and actions of Tutu on a documentary of him.....

my take home....


If you think it is going to get done quickly, you will be disappointed....


We as an collective have been in an evolutionary process, and as the dust settles, plant your seeds that were exposed from the winds of the pandemic. Seeds deep inside your soul that carry the kNOWing of your deepest deep. Pele shared with me years ago.... there will be destruction...

then there will be absence.....

then the winds will carry in the soils......

the birds that fly high above the chaos, drop the seeds of perspective.....

the seeds will land in the soils.....

and the rains will come.....

The seeds will sprout.....

The seeds of your soul sprout...

In Time the fruits will appear....

be patient....

be patient...

and harvest will be mature...

So from this Tutu, via Tutu Desmond..... I REmind you and encourage you to REjoice! You have been spiritually prepared for all the events you are experiencing right now. REvere your inner innocence! REpurpose old behaviors & give them a new job description. REturn to the Nature of YOUr Nature & share your personal REnaissance with the world!

And So IT is!

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